Monday, September 17, 2007

Tour of Missouri - Stage 6

BMC parked their truck right next to the Anti-Doping trailer...I asked them if they were trying to send some sort of message...they said it was an open parking place.

Floyd Landis wasn't with them though...oh well. I was hoping for a surprise visit from Floyd or maybe even Lance...I didn't see either of them and there weren't any reports of them in the news.

I did get to see the guys from Discovery...

Hincapie won the race...Good for Disco, I'm sure there were mixed emotions.

Check out all the photos on Flickr. Sorry I didn't cull out the crappy ones...

We should get a Floyd Landis decision in five more days...lets hope it goes our way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Crazy..I was just reading your ride report about the MS 150 on ADV, and noticed you were from STL. Then went here and noticed I was standing right behind you at the Disco RV. I ride both pedal and moto a lot, and am hoping to add a DRz 400 to the SV650 sometime soon. Ohh, and ditch the faithful Giant for the new Madone! Anyway, good luck with all, and great pictures! -JRN2Wheels